what to say before you lead worship

Write A Call To Worship | The Ultimate Guide (Video)

The countdown hits zero and the lights come up. It’s time to welcome your church.

This can be one of the most nerve-wracking times of the service for worship leaders. How do you get things kicked off?…

Quit being AFRAID to speak between worship songs (Do this…) (Video)

I used to be terrified to speak between worship songs.

I saw all of these other worship leaders speaking so eloquently and I thought to myself, “I could never do that… so why even try?”…

Reacting to my FIRST video (What To Say Before Leading Worship) (Video)

I made a video 4 years ago about what to say while leading worship - that video now has close to 500,000 views.

The thing is... it was one of the first videos I ever made. And since then I've grown a lot in my understanding of worship leading…

C.S. Lewis's advice for speaking between worship songs. (Video)

Have you ever heard C.S. Lewis's advice about speaking between worship songs?

This one powerful quote has changed how I approach answering the question: "What do I say between worship songs?"…

How I Learned To Speak Between Worship Songs (Video)

Confession: It took me about 10 years of worship leading until I finally felt comfortable speaking between worship songs.

For the first few years, I would only speak between worship songs when it was absolutely necessary. Eventually, I moved on to saying something of substance between songs but I still felt uncomfortable every time I did it…

Opening Words For Worship | 3 Things To Say At The Beginning Of Your Worship Service (Video)

Ever been confused about what to say at the beginning of your worship service?

Maybe you just decide to keep it simple and say, "Good morning! Let's stand and sing." Or maybe you don't say anything at all and just head right into the first song…

Use A Worship Speaking Transition During These Spots In Your Worship Service (Video)

Tired of saying the same speaking transition in the same spot in your service every single Sunday?…

Worship Speaking Transitions | How To Speak With Authority And Confidence Between Worship Songs (Video)

All too often we insert milquetoast, formulaic, noncommittal homilies between our worship songs...

You know how it goes... "Welcome to church. Please stand and sing with us." (repeated every single Sunday in your best Siri/Alexa voice)

But by learning just a few simple things, you can break out of the routine and speak with authority and confidence while leading worship…

What To Say Between Worship Songs | 3 Tips For Not Feeling Awkward While You Speak (Video)

Do you ever feel awkward while speaking between worship songs?

It can be nerve wracking.

You're up in front of your church. You're trying to clearly communicate something to them. They're all staring at you…

What To Say Between Worship Songs | How To Sound Authentic (Video)

Do you get "worship leader voice" when you start speaking in front of your church while leading worship?…

3 More Things To Stop Doing If You're A Worship Leader

Since yesterday's post spurred some good conversation about worship leading, let's take a look at a few more things you should stop doing if you're a worship leader…

3 Things To Stop Doing If You're A Worship Leader

I want to share with you just a few pet peeves of mine in the worship leading space. These aren't necessarily all things that deserve a full post by themselves so I thought I'd quickly bring them to your attention. Take a moment to honestly reflect on these and see if they apply to you…

What To Say Between Worship Songs | 4 Steps To Start Speaking Between Worship Songs (Video)

In the video, you'll learn all about what to say between worship songs. In the process, you'll learn 4 questions you can answer to help form your speaking transitions. Use these questions to know what to say between worship songs every single time!…

3 Spots During Your Worship Set To Use A Speaking Transition

Over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, we've started looking at how to speak while you're leading worship. That series continues tomorrow with a new video called "What To Say Between Worship Songs | 4 Steps To Start Speaking Between Worship Songs."

So, maybe you're starting to get an understanding of WHAT you should be saying while leading worship. But, there's another question to answer - WHERE should you be speaking?…

What To Say Before You Lead Worship | The 4-Step Formula For Welcoming People Into Worship (Video)

Yesterday, we looked at a few things you can do to help people show up to church on time. Now the question is: what do you do now that people are actually in the room when the countdown hits zero? Do you just head into the first song? Do you say the default, "Let's stand and worship." (Anyone else guilty of that or just me?)…

Help! Nobody Shows Up To My Church On Time!

How complicated is your worship ministry? The single greatest thing you can do is embrace simplicity! Filling your ministry with complicated things makes you feel productive but it's actually laziness in disguise. Instead of focusing on one or two big things - you focus on a million little things that don't really push the needle forward…