what to say while leading worship

Quit being AFRAID to speak between worship songs (Do this…) (Video)

I used to be terrified to speak between worship songs.

I saw all of these other worship leaders speaking so eloquently and I thought to myself, “I could never do that… so why even try?”…

How to speak between worship songs WITHOUT a script. (Video)

Find it hard to speak between songs and have it come out authentically?

Maybe you've finally started incorporating speaking between songs into your worship leading but you're still reading them off a piece of paper.

There's nothing wrong with that when you're first starting out. But what if I told you there was an easy way to memorize your speaking transitions and have them come out naturally (so that you still sound like yourself!)…

Write a worship speaking transition in under 5 minutes. (My method) (Video)

I've got a secret method I use to write worship speaking transitions in 5 minutes or less...

And I'm not talking about tiny, little "Let's stand and worship." speaking transitions. I'm talking about speaking transitions that are filled with Scripture.

I use it pretty much every single time I lead worship…

Quit OVERCOMPLICATING speaking between worship songs. (Video)

Quit overcomplicating speaking between worship songs.

I remember when I first started leading worship I had absolutely no idea what to say when I led. As a result, I just kept my mouth shut and played some worship songs.

I thought speaking between worship songs was intimidating. It was complicated. It was a mystery that I couldn't figure out…

Reacting to my FIRST video (What To Say Before Leading Worship) (Video)

I made a video 4 years ago about what to say while leading worship - that video now has close to 500,000 views.

The thing is... it was one of the first videos I ever made. And since then I've grown a lot in my understanding of worship leading…

5 ways to NOT start your worship service. (Video)

"God, we welcome you here today... *awkward silence* I mean... we know you're already here but would you come... wait that doesn't make sense... Uh... God, we JUST welcome you here today." (Ah... yes. Adding the word JUST fixes the problem!)

Please don't start your service this way on Sunday…

Worship leaders, stop misquoting THIS verse! (Video)

There is ONE Bible verse that I see misquoted over and over again... and you might be regularly using it.

In fact, I can almost guarantee you or your pastor have quoted it during your worship services at least once during your time as a worship leader…

I’ve changed my mind about worship leading… (Video)

It's been 17 years since I've started leading worship. Since then, I've realized I was wrong and it's time I change my mind...

Opening Words For Worship | 3 Things To Say At The Beginning Of Your Worship Service (Video)

Ever been confused about what to say at the beginning of your worship service?

Maybe you just decide to keep it simple and say, "Good morning! Let's stand and sing." Or maybe you don't say anything at all and just head right into the first song…

Use A Worship Speaking Transition During These Spots In Your Worship Service (Video)

Tired of saying the same speaking transition in the same spot in your service every single Sunday?…

Worship Speaking Transitions | How To Speak With Authority And Confidence Between Worship Songs (Video)

All too often we insert milquetoast, formulaic, noncommittal homilies between our worship songs...

You know how it goes... "Welcome to church. Please stand and sing with us." (repeated every single Sunday in your best Siri/Alexa voice)

But by learning just a few simple things, you can break out of the routine and speak with authority and confidence while leading worship…

3 Things Worship Leaders Should Do While Their Pastor Is Preaching (Video)

You finish your last song before the message and your pastor walks up on stage. You find your seat in the congregation... now what?

Obviously, you can sit there and listen to your pastor preach along with the rest of your church.

But what if there were other things you could do that would help you lead worship well when you come up to lead that final song or two after your pastor is done?…

3 Secrets To Speaking With Authority While Leading Worship

One of the keys to good speaking transitions while leading worship is speaking with authority.

People want to follow people who have AUTHORITY: the power to influence others because of a recognized knowledge about something.

But all too often we insert milquetoast, formulaic, noncommittal homilies between our worship songs…

What To Say Between Worship Songs | 3 Tips For Not Feeling Awkward While You Speak (Video)

Do you ever feel awkward while speaking between worship songs?

It can be nerve wracking.

You're up in front of your church. You're trying to clearly communicate something to them. They're all staring at you…

5 Tips For A Better Start To Your Sunday Morning

Ever show up to church on a Sunday morning and you're just "not feeling it?" Well the good news is that God can still work even we don't feel up to the task. BUT - there are certain things that you can do to start your Sunday morning off right…