3 Areas To Exercise Prudence In Your Worship Ministry

3 Areas To Exercise Prudence In Your Worship Ministry

Prudence - to act with thought of the future

The book of Proverbs is definitely a call to wisdom but it is also a call to prudence. It is a plea to act with thought of the future. To not just live in the moment, but to consider how your present actions will affect your future. That's not only great advice for your life in general - it's also very applicable to your worship ministry.

Too often, worship leaders make decisions based only on how it will affect them and their ministry NOW. But leaders who lead well, act with prudence.

Here are 3 areas to exercise prudence in your worship ministry:

1 | What you say "yes" to

In the moment, it feels like you should say "yes" to everything. It's just easier - you don't have to think about it - you'll just do it. And, even if you don't really want to do that thing, saying "yes" means you don't have to deal with how someone will react when you tell them "no."

But prudence means considering carefully what you say "yes" to. Because every time you say "yes" to one thing, you are saying "no" to 100 other things. So, are you careful with what you are saying "yes" to? Are you thinking about the consequences not just in the moment but what it means for you and your worship ministry long term?

2 | Worship preparation

To act with thought of the future also means to prepare in advance. "I'll just figure it out on Sunday" is a blatant avoidance of prudence. That's why you can't just show up on Sunday and lead. There has to be thought put in in advance before you do it.

Leaders who lead only on a day by day basis may be able to accomplish the task at hand but their ideas will not have the DEPTH that they could if they would plan in advance.

3 | Rest

It almost always feels right to just finish "one more thing" in the moment. To forgo rest and keep on keeping on. After all, there's a lot of work to do! But the truth is: prudence means a commitment to rest so that you can accomplish MORE and BETTER work in the future. Rest does not feel right in the moment but has a substantial effect on your future work.

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