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How to Develop New Worship Leaders - Safe Spaces

When developing new worship leaders it's important to give them gradual increased responsibility over time. Don't just throw them into the lion's den and hope for the best. 

The best way to do this is to identify safe spaces where new worship leaders can lead. Build a system that slowly incorporates them into the role. These safe spaces should be successive and build upon one another. Have them start leading in private, then in front a small group - then in front of a slightly larger group - all the way up until they are leading a whole service.

Here are 7 potential "safe spaces" you can use to build new worship leaders:

1 | 1 on 1

This is the first step. It's as small as it gets. Practice with the new leader and give them tips in a 1 on 1 environment.

2 | Worship Team Practice

Have the leader lead your worship team during practice. You can do this during devotional time. Give them a few weeks to prepare a song to lead and then have them lead your worship team in worship.

3 | Small group

Have them lead at a small bible study. This group may be a bit larger than your worship team. Slowly increase their responsibility over time.

4 | Meetings

Have them lead at a meeting at your church. Whether that's an elder meeting, creative team meeting, or children's ministry meeting. Whatever it is, give them a different environment to lead in.

5 | Midweek gathering

Now that they have led in small environments, let them take the next step.

6 | Sunday morning - 1 song

Incorporate them on a Sunday morning and let them start by leading 1 song.

7 | Sunday morning - Whole service

Finally, after proving to be faithful through the process of leading in different spaces, guide them through leading a whole Sunday morning gathering.