Leading Worship Well | Worship Leading Tips

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Introducing New Worship Songs | 5 Simple Ways To Prepare Your Church For A New Worship Song (Video)

You know those times when you lead a new song for the first time on a Sunday? You know it. Your band knows it. But your church doesn't. And it can be a little awkward. They just stand there and stare at you because they simply don't know the song yet. What if there was a way to overcome that problem?

Well, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "Introducing New Worship Songs | 5 Simple Way To Prepare Your Church For A New Worship Song."

In the video, you'll learn all how to prepare your church for a new worship song before they even arrive at church on Sunday. In the process, you'll learn 5 simple things you can do before you lead a new worship song to help your church learn it!

In the video, I walk you through:

1 | Using social media as a teaching tool

2 | The importance of a pre-service playlist

3 | How to utilize a Spotify playlist to prepare your church for Sunday morning worship

4 | How small group worship leading can affect your Sunday morning worship gatherings

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