advice for first time worship leaders

How I’d Learn To Lead Worship (If I Could Start Over) (Video)

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and start leading worship all over again...

Of course hindsight is 20/20 - but if I knew what I know now about worship leading when I first started, I'd be miles ahead of where I'm currently at.

I made so many mistakes when I first started leading worship and they could have been avoided if someone had just told me what to do…

I've led worship for 17 years... here's what you need to know. (Video)

I've been leading worship for 17 years. (Yes. The picture in the thumbnail of this video is me. I did indeed have hair at one time.)

Over those 17 years, while I have lost some hair, I have gained some worship leading wisdom.

I compiled some of the most important things I've learned into a single video. This is the advice I would have told my 13 year old self when I first started leading worship…

5 Mistakes I Made When I First Started Leading Worship (Video)

Do you remember the first time you led worship? I remember mine…

First Time Leading Worship? 5 Tips To Crush Your First Time Leading Worship (Video)

Is it finally your first chance to lead worship?

There's no doubt it can be a nerve-wracking experience leading worship for the first time. There are so many things to think about…

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming A Worship Leader (Video)

If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself before you became a worship leader?

Are there any worship leading pitfalls you feel like you could have avoided?…

Advice For Young Worship Leaders | What I Wish I Knew... (Video)

This is a picture of a young 15 year old Spencer Cormany leading worship.

Last week I went up to my old church camp. It got me thinking about that younger Spencer Cormany... and how little he knew about worship leading.

I thought I knew so much but, 14 years later, I realize that there is still so much more to learn…

3 Ways To Overcome Stage Fright For Worship Leaders

There's no doubt about it: leading worship for the first time (or first 10 times) can be scary.

You are, after all, in front of people and it's nerve-wracking.

What if you mess up? What if you forget the lyrics? What if you end up on @worshipfails?…