biblical worship

What the Bible ACTUALLY says about corporate worship. (Video)

What are we supposed to do when we gather together for worship on Sundays?

While the Bible doesn't give us step-by-step instructions and an order of worship for how to lead a church service, it does specifically tell us WHAT we should be doing when we gather…

One Bible verse every worship leader MUST know. (Video)

There is ONE Bible verse that every worship leader should memorize. Can you guess what it is?

This short verse gives us tangible instructions on how we are supposed to lead our church during our times of corporate worship…

What is worship? A definition for worship leaders. (Video)

What's your best definition of worship? Do you even know how to define it?

Worship has become one of those words that we've said over and over and over again... and sometimes when we repeat a word too much, it loses it's meaning.

What Biblical Corporate Worship ACTUALLY Is... (Video)

I hate to break it to you but we've been getting Sunday morning corporate worship wrong for pretty much as long as I can remember.

We've been focusing on the wrong thing on Sunday mornings and I think it's time we fix it…