full-time worship leader

Full-Time Worship Pastor | 3 Ways To Know If You've Been CALLED To Full-Time Worship Ministry (Video)

Have you been wondering if you're being called to full-time worship ministry?

Maybe you've been leading worship for a while in a volunteer position and you feel like God's calling you into full-time ministry but you're unsure…

3 Ways To Know If You've Been Called To Full-Time Worship Ministry

It's the big question... Have you been CALLED to full-time worship ministry?

Every year more and more worship leaders WANT to step into full-time worship ministry. But WANTING something and being CALLED to do it are two different things…

3 Tips For Becoming A Full-Time Worship Pastor

The topic of this week's posts are all about being a full-time worship pastor. Now that we've appropriately framed what a worship pastor does (if you missed those posts. check them out here: How I Became A Full-Time Worship Pastor and 3 Surprising Facts About Being A Full-Time Worship Pastor), let's talk about how to become a full-time worship pastor. There are some obvious steps you can take in the process: get a degree in a major that relates to ministry, apply for a job at a church, etc. Let's take a look at some tips outside of the obvious…

3 Surprising Facts About Being A Full-Time Worship Pastor

Yesterday I shared my story about how I became a full-time worship pastor. If you missed that post, check it out here: How I Became A Full-Time Worship Pastor. As I stepped into that position, I learned a few things about becoming a full-time worship pastor that might surprise you. Keep these things in mind if you plan on becoming a full-time worship pastor in the future…

How I Became A Full-Time Worship Pastor

I don't typically talk about myself too much here on Leading Worship Well. You may know me from the Instagram stories that I post but allow me to introduce myself if we haven't met. My name is Spencer Cormany and I'm a full-time Worship Pastor at Merge Community Church.

Recently I've been getting a lot of questions from people about how to become a full-time worship pastor. And before I give some practical tips about the process (those will come later this week), I thought I'd share my story of how I became a full-time worship pastor. Hopefully you can glean some insight from my experience…