how to become a full-time worship pastor

Full-Time Worship Pastor | 3 Ways To Know If You've Been CALLED To Full-Time Worship Ministry (Video)

Have you been wondering if you're being called to full-time worship ministry?

Maybe you've been leading worship for a while in a volunteer position and you feel like God's calling you into full-time ministry but you're unsure…

3 Things I'm Focusing On As I Start A New Worship Leading Job

For those of you who didn't hear, I started a new worship leading job last week! You can read more about it in last week's post

Over these past 10 months of not leading worship, I've had a lot of time to reflect. And as I started the journey of getting back into professional ministry (I don't know if I like that term but I don't know what else to call it) - I've thought a lot about what I'd like to do differently in this season of ministry…

How To Become A Full-Time Worship Leader (with Caleb Holgerson from Worship Leader Coaching) (Video)

The truth is... there's no one clear cut way to instantly get hired by a church as a full-time worship leader.

But, it's helpful to hear other worship leaders' stories about how they did it.

So, in this video, I have a conversation with my worship leader friend Caleb Holgerson from Worship Leader Coaching….

How To Become A Full-Time Worship Leader (with Hey Worship Leader) (Video)

In the video, you'll hear from my worship leader friend Jimmy Cooper who runs the Hey Worship Leader YouTube channel. Jimmy shares what his journey into full-time worship ministry looked like….

3 Ways To Know If You've Been Called To Full-Time Worship Ministry

It's the big question... Have you been CALLED to full-time worship ministry?

Every year more and more worship leaders WANT to step into full-time worship ministry. But WANTING something and being CALLED to do it are two different things…

3 Tips For Becoming A Full-Time Worship Pastor

The topic of this week's posts are all about being a full-time worship pastor. Now that we've appropriately framed what a worship pastor does (if you missed those posts. check them out here: How I Became A Full-Time Worship Pastor and 3 Surprising Facts About Being A Full-Time Worship Pastor), let's talk about how to become a full-time worship pastor. There are some obvious steps you can take in the process: get a degree in a major that relates to ministry, apply for a job at a church, etc. Let's take a look at some tips outside of the obvious…

3 Surprising Facts About Being A Full-Time Worship Pastor

Yesterday I shared my story about how I became a full-time worship pastor. If you missed that post, check it out here: How I Became A Full-Time Worship Pastor. As I stepped into that position, I learned a few things about becoming a full-time worship pastor that might surprise you. Keep these things in mind if you plan on becoming a full-time worship pastor in the future…

How I Became A Full-Time Worship Pastor

I don't typically talk about myself too much here on Leading Worship Well. You may know me from the Instagram stories that I post but allow me to introduce myself if we haven't met. My name is Spencer Cormany and I'm a full-time Worship Pastor at Merge Community Church.

Recently I've been getting a lot of questions from people about how to become a full-time worship pastor. And before I give some practical tips about the process (those will come later this week), I thought I'd share my story of how I became a full-time worship pastor. Hopefully you can glean some insight from my experience…