how to get hired as a worship leader

My First Week Leading Worship At My New Church | New Worship Leading Job! (Video)

This past week, I started in a new worship leading position at a new church.

I thought it'd be fun to vlog my first week and show you a behind the scenes - week in the life of a worship leader…

How To Become A Full-Time Worship Leader (with Caleb Holgerson from Worship Leader Coaching) (Video)

The truth is... there's no one clear cut way to instantly get hired by a church as a full-time worship leader.

But, it's helpful to hear other worship leaders' stories about how they did it.

So, in this video, I have a conversation with my worship leader friend Caleb Holgerson from Worship Leader Coaching….

How To Become A Full-Time Worship Leader (with Hey Worship Leader) (Video)

In the video, you'll hear from my worship leader friend Jimmy Cooper who runs the Hey Worship Leader YouTube channel. Jimmy shares what his journey into full-time worship ministry looked like….