how to lead worship

I wish every worship leader could watch this. (Video)

I wish every worship leader could watch the video I just posted. It would bring so much freedom in how they lead worship.

Do you feel that heavy pressure of having to perform every single Sunday over and over and over again? Then, you wake up on Monday and realize in six short days you have ANOTHER service to plan for. Plus, this time has to be bigger and better than the last one…

You aren't a worship leader... you're just singing. (Video)

The Church has been blessed to have many amazing musicians over the past few years. Buttery vocal runs, amazing guitar tone, and well-timed cymbal swells. However...

In the midst of our Christian music industry driven musical excellence, we all struggle with a temptation: am I leading worship or am I just singing? Am I really a worship leader or am I just a musician?…

3 Ways Worship Leaders Can Lead Their Church Besides Singing

"Worship is more than singing." We say it all the time. We even believe it. And yet... most of our time as worship leaders is spent preparing for the musical side of leading worship. We spend time listening to new worship songs and deciding which ones would work best in our church. We figure out the best keys for songs and how to transition between them. We practice our instrument (... sometimes). And we get together with the rest of our team to run through the songs we've chosen…