how to lead worship online

5 Pro-Tips For Creating Online Content For Your Church's Worship Ministry (Video)

There's no doubt that churches have been challenged recently to step up their online presence.

Maybe you've found it difficult to add one more thing to your worship ministry - creating online content.

There's no doubt that consistently creating online content can be a challenging and time consuming process.

5 Ways To Lead Online And In Person Worship At The Same Time (Video)

As lockdowns lift and churches start to meet in person again, worship leaders are faced with a new challenge.

The truth is some people in your church won't feel comfortable returning to in person gatherings on Sunday mornings and will continue to worship online…

How To Keep Your Worship Team Engaged During Social Distancing (Video)

It's been difficult keeping our worship teams engaged during this season of ministry, hasn't it?

For the time being, it seems like it would be easier if we just did everything ourselves. 

But the truth is YOU still have a responsibility to lead your worship team even if you don't regularly see them!…

How To Lead Worship On Camera Online | 5 Tips To Feel More Comfortable On Camera (Video)

Anyone feel awkward as soon as the camera turns on?

For some reason, once that blinking light comes on and we realize we're being recorded - the anxiety sets in. 

Now that church services have been moved online, worship leaders have to deal with camera anxiety every single Sunday…