how to pick keys for your worship songs

2 Easy Ways To Lose Your Congregation In Worship

You know the feeling. You head into the 2nd chorus of the song. You finally open your eyes and look at the people you're leading and... all you see are blank stares.

Here are 2 EASY ways to lose your congregation in worship…

3 Reasons Your Church Isn't Singing (That You Can Fix)

As a church, one of the ways we worship together is through singing. So, it would be nice if everyone was involved in the process.

And there are reasons that we can't control that people don't sing. But, there are a few things you CAN do to make sure that, if people are ready, they're able to sing along and worship with the rest of your church…

3 Mistakes Worship Leaders Frequently Make

Sometimes worship leaders make mistakes. There. I said it. And sometimes, they don't just make mistakes, they make them over and over again. And the worst part is that, often times, you don't even know that you're making them…