how to use scripture in worship

I read Scripture in my service every week for 9 months. (What I learned.) (Video)

9 months ago I completely changed how I approach leading worship...

The key change for me was understanding that worship is a dialogue - it involves God speaking to us (through His Word) and us responding to Him.

As a result, I started incorporating Scripture every single week into my service. And not just a little bit of Scripture but whole passages of Scripture…

How to read Scripture in public. (Video)

I've heard a lot of boring Scripture readings in my life.

Monotone, uninspired, cookie-cutter passages just thrown into the service in order for someone to say "... I read Scripture today."

I think we can do better. Especially as worship leaders.

Let me teach you how…

Quit OVERCOMPLICATING speaking between worship songs. (Video)

Quit overcomplicating speaking between worship songs.

I remember when I first started leading worship I had absolutely no idea what to say when I led. As a result, I just kept my mouth shut and played some worship songs.

I thought speaking between worship songs was intimidating. It was complicated. It was a mystery that I couldn't figure out…

Include more Scripture in worship... the EASY way. (Video)

Want to include more Scripture in your worship leading?

Should you just open up your Bible and read a random verse? Is there a WRONG verse to read at the wrong time?…