improve your worship team's musicianship

5 FAIL-PROOF Exercises To Improve Your Worship Team (Video)

Does your worship team fall a little short of Psalm 33:3 - Sing to Him a new song, play SKILLFULLY, and shout for joy?

Maybe they need a little guidance on how they can improve their musicianship…

3 Ways To Address Someone's Musicianship On Your Worship Team

Ever have someone on your worship team who just isn't quite there musically?

It's hard to address those problems because pointing them out can feel like a personal attack. But, ultimately, you know that they can do better and you want to help them improve…

3 Ways To Improve Your Worship Team's Musicianship

Do you ever feel like you're stuck with where your worship team is at musically? They know how to play together - they're locked in - and they're all doing what they need to be doing. You know that improvement is a constant pursuit but you're not sure what to do next…