
3 Tips For Leading Worship With Just An Acoustic Guitar

Leading worship with just an acoustic guitar can be a great experience. There's a certain atmosphere that it creates that's different than having a full band lead worship. At the same time, it can feel like you're at a disadvantage when it's just you and your guitar…

10 Tips For Leading Worship in a Small Church - Live Training with Jake from Churchfront

It seems like most resources that are available online for worship leaders are from large church leaders for people leading in a large church context. This leaves you, the small church worship leader, having to translate the information and adapt it to your own context.

Enter: Churchfront and Leading Worship Well…

3 Ways to Embrace the Intimacy of Leading Worship in a Small Church

What if you actually embraced one of the unique advantages you have when leading worship in a small church? That advantage is intimacy!

The fact that there are less people and you are in a smaller space means that the environment is instantly more intimate. In fact, this is one of the things that larger churches have to constantly be creative about - how do they create a more intimate environment with larger gatherings?…