managing church expectations

3 Steps To Stop Playing The "Church Game"

Here's a quick summary: the "church game" is a game that ministry leaders knowingly or unknowingly play which revolves around trying to make everyone in their church happy. That sounds like a noble goal at first but you quickly realize - it's impossible! You can't please everyone because everyone wants something different.

The question is: How do you stop?!…

4 Reasons To Stop Playing The "Church Game"

If I mentioned the "church game," would you know what I'm talking about? It's that game that gets played in churches from time to time (and sometimes not just from time to time but ALL THE TIME). You'll never hear anyone talk about it. In fact, they might not even know that they're playing. Maybe YOU don't even know you're playing. But sure enough - there are those unspoken rules that you have to abide by to "win the game"... or at least not lose it…