questions for worship leaders

I asked myself these 5 questions… it changed everything. (Video)

I've been asking myself a lot of questions about worship leading over the past year...

I'm not talking about questions like: which flannel shirt should I wear to church on Sunday?

I'm talking about FOUNDATIONAL worship leading questions. The kind of questions that don't just change small facets of your worship leading but have huge implications depending on how you answer them…

5 Questions To Ask Before You QUIT Leading Worship (Video)

Worship leader, don't quit!

I know worship ministry can be frustrating. There's a lot to deal with. There's a lot of responsibility.

But before you quit leading worship, there are 5 important questions you need to ask yourself…

3 Questions To Ask Yourself While Leading Worship (Video)

Let's be honest... your mind has wandered once or twice while you're leading worship. We've all been there.

You start singing the second chorus and while the words, "way maker, miracle worker," are coming out of your mouth; you're thinking about what you want to eat for lunch after church.

3 Questions To Ask Before Confronting A Difficult Worship Team Situation

If you're like most worship leaders, you've probably NEVER had to deal with conflict before... just kidding!

Any time you get a group of people together in any capacity, conflict will eventually arise.

As leaders, we need to know how to deal with it…

3 Questions To Ask To "Check Your Heart" Before You Lead Worship This Sunday

One of the biggest temptations in worship leading is PRIDE.

Anytime you have a platform, there's a temptation to become prideful.

And leading worship in front of your church on Sundays is a BIG platform. You have the opportunity to lead your church every Sunday…

3 Questions To Ask Yourself While You're Leading Worship

You know how you can be leading worship and simultaneously thinking about something completely different? What if you focused those thoughts on answering some questions that will help you lead better? In the process, you'll refocus on the task at hand AND lead worship better…