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If I wanted to GROW my worship team, here's what I'd do... (Video)

Ever wish you had more worship team members?

Another guitarist? Another bassist? A drummer? That'd be nice. But how do you find more musicians for your worship team?…

3 Ways To Embrace Simplicity In Your Worship Ministry

Simplicity makes things faster. In the long run, simplicity is cheaper. And simplicity leads to clarity.

What if what you did in your worship ministry could be done faster, for less money, and result in a clearer message? That's the power of embracing SIMPLICITY!…

10 Tips For Leading Worship in a Small Church - Live Training with Jake from Churchfront

It seems like most resources that are available online for worship leaders are from large church leaders for people leading in a large church context. This leaves you, the small church worship leader, having to translate the information and adapt it to your own context.

Enter: Churchfront and Leading Worship Well…