simplicity in worship ministry

3 Questions To Ask Before Buying Another Piece Of Gear

Hey! I know how it is: you just saw a new gear video on YouTube or you learned about some new piece of gear another church got and you think to yourself, "I NEED that."

It happens to me all the time and, honestly, I don't even like gear.

It seems like, if we could just spend a little money, our problems would be solved…

3 Ways To Embrace Simplicity In Your Worship Ministry

Simplicity makes things faster. In the long run, simplicity is cheaper. And simplicity leads to clarity.

What if what you did in your worship ministry could be done faster, for less money, and result in a clearer message? That's the power of embracing SIMPLICITY!…

3 Benefits Of Embracing Simplicity In Your Worship Ministry

As time moves on in our worship ministry, we have a tendency to make things more complicated.

You know how it goes: you start out small. Then you add one more thing... then another... and another... and so on and so forth until, 5 years later, you've got a jumbled mess of a weekly to-do list, gear that no one really knows how to use, and too many events to plan for…