stretch your congregation

Worship Song Selection: The Wordiness Of Worship

How simple must a worship song be to be valuable in a congregational worship setting?

I'm not going to lie, I've argued for simplicity in congregational worship settings in the past as a valuable evaluation tool for whether a song should be chosen for a Sunday morning.

But, I've sensed a shift recently in what the Church is looking for in worship songs…

3 Reasons You Should Know The People You're Leading In Worship

Different people respond to being led in worship in different ways. You'd lead a group of teenagers differently than you'd lead a group of 80 year olds. It's not about what's right or wrong, it's about what best engages the people you're leading. Maybe hymns don't work as well with teenagers but they do with older members of the church. Or maybe you have an older group at church who loves contemporary music. It's important to know the people you're leading in worship!…