what to do when your mind wanders while leading worship

Distracted While Leading Worship? Try This. (Video)

Ever have an internal monologue going on in your head while you're leading worship?

What am I going to have for lunch today? Who is that new person who just walked in? Have they been here before? What's the best Veggie Tales movie and why is it The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything?…

3 Questions To Ask Yourself While Leading Worship (Video)

Let's be honest... your mind has wandered once or twice while you're leading worship. We've all been there.

You start singing the second chorus and while the words, "way maker, miracle worker," are coming out of your mouth; you're thinking about what you want to eat for lunch after church.

3 Questions To Ask Yourself While You're Leading Worship

You know how you can be leading worship and simultaneously thinking about something completely different? What if you focused those thoughts on answering some questions that will help you lead better? In the process, you'll refocus on the task at hand AND lead worship better…