worship leading books

7 Worship Leading Habits That Changed My Sundays (Video)

I asked myself: what are 7 small things I do every week that have a huge impact on how I lead on Sundays?

There are weekly habits that I've implemented over my 17 years of worship leading that have drastically improved how I lead worship.

Want to know what they are?…

Add These Worship Leading Books To Your Cart Today! (Video)

Pro-tip: Add a worship leading book to your cart before you hit "purchase" this weekend!

Black Friday is here and you're probably going to buy a bunch of "things" today. Gear is on sale and it's wonderful.

But one of the best things you can do this weekend is invest in yourself. It's easy! Just add a worship leading book to your cart before you hit "buy…"

5 Books That Will TRANSFORM Your Worship Leading (Video)

Leaders are readers. One of the best ways to level up your worship leading is to read a book!

There are so many good worship leading books these days but it can be hard to find the truly GREAT ones…