worship team commitment

3 Ways To Motivate Your Worship Team To PREPARE For Worship Rehearsal (Video)

You know how it goes...

You pick out some worship songs and send the list out to your worship team.

Then, you show up to worship rehearsal and you realize NO ONE on your worship team is prepared to rehearse them…

5 Startling Reasons People QUIT Your Worship Team (Video)

Have you ever had someone quit your worship team?

It always hurts when someone leaves your worship team - especially when you're not sure what went wrong…

3 Reasons It's Okay To Have High Expectations For Worship Team Volunteers (Video)

Do you feel bad about having high expectations for your worship team volunteers?

I mean... they're just volunteers, right? Who are we to ask more of them?…

How Big of a Commitment Should You Ask From Your Worship Team?

It's hard to find the balance of how much you should ask your worship team to commit to. Often teams, worship leaders end up asking their team to only make a small commitment. There are several underlying ideas that you're reinforcing when you ask your team to make a small commitment…