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The Power Of Clarity In Your Worship Ministry

One of the greatest leadership skills you can develop in leading your worship ministry is clarity.

Clarity is being able to communicate clearly and transparently.

When you combine clear communication and transparency - clarity happens and your worship ministry leadership is improved. You're able to let people know exactly what you think and why you think it. You're able to explain decisions and communicate vision better.

How's this actually play out in your worship ministry?

Here are 3 examples of the power of clarity in your worship ministry:

1 | Clear expectations make it possible to hold people to those expectations

So often we complain that people aren't meeting expectations. They aren't showing up to rehearsal on time. They're not showing up prepared. Whatever it is, they aren't fulfilling the responsibilities that we expect of them.

But, most of the time, it's our fault. We haven't communicated the expectations with clarity. They don't know what we expect of them. 

Here's the most powerful part of communicating expectations with clarity: once you are sure people know the expectation, you can hold them accountable to it.

The conversation becomes so much easier when you can say: "Hey, we talked about showing up to rehearsal on time before and I've noticed you've shown up late the past couple Sundays. Is there anything I can do to help you meet that expectation?"

They aren't surprise that that's the expectation and you can have an honest conversation.

2 | Clarity minimizes the length of conflict

Is there any conflict you've been hiding from your team? Something that you know you need to address but you haven't brought it up?

The problem will only go away when you decide to be transparent and face it head on.

Clarity reduces the length of conflict because it puts everything out into the open and allows you to deal with it.

3 | Clarity in your speaking transitions is what best serves your church

The ability to communicate clearly is essential to worship speaking transitions. And it's easy to fix - all you need to do is prepare ahead of time. It's not about speaking more - it's about being more concise and clear.

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