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Worship Fails | Do THIS when things go horribly wrong (Video)

Worship Fails | Do THIS when things go horribly wrong (Video)

You forget the words. Ableton crashes. You start a song in the wrong key. Your guitar strap breaks and sends your precious six-string careening towards the ground.

We've all found ourselves in the midst of a worship leading fail at some point in our worship leading career.

They make great stories. But in the moment, they suck.

Since worship fails are virtually inevitable and unavoidable - the only thing we can do is learn how to handle them when they do happen.

That's why, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "Worship Fails | Do THIS When Things Go HORRIBLY Wrong."

In the video, I share some of my favorite worship fail clips and give you some practical strategies you can use next time YOU end up on the @worshipfails Instagram page.


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