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3 Practical Ways You Can Follow The Spirit While Leading Worship

If you've been in the worship leading space for any length of time, you've probably heard the phrase "just follow the Spirit." It's spouted by speakers, authors, and is particularly common in online discussions in Facebook groups and forums.

The thing is... I personally don't find that advice particularly helpful. Because when the direction is left at that, it is ambiguously unspecific. It has become a Christian cliche that leaders use when they: 1. Don't know the real answer to the question. 2. Know the answer but don't feel like explaining themselves. Or 3. Need an excuse for a lack of preparation.

That being said, I do believe in Spirit led worship (and not just worship led by the Spirit but RELIANT on the Spirit). So, let's put some flesh and bones on the "just follow the Spirit" directive.

Here are 3 practical ways you can follow the Spirit while leading worship:

1 | Listen for words to sing

You are, after all, the MUSICAL worship leader. Practically speaking, if you are being led by the Spirit while you are leading musical worship, it would make sense that He would give you words to sing. This is not necessarily a call to spontaneous worship (although it could be). Sometimes the words you need to sing are the ones that you already had planned! The Spirit can and should lead you just as much in your preparation for worship during the week as He does on a Sunday morning.

2 | Listen for words to say

Speaking transitions! (Need help with these? Check out the series going on on the LWW YouTube channel). The Spirit can lead you in what to SAY while leading worship. What truth are you speaking to the people of your church? How are you leading them in moments of worship?

As you prepare your speaking transitions and up until the point of actually saying them, listen for those truths God puts in your heart that you need to communicate to your church.

3 | Listen for words to pray

Sometimes you need to PRAY instead of SAY. There are times where truths need to be proclaimed and there are times where we need to simply come before God and ask. Be in tune with the Spirit guiding you what to pray for.

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