5 Things Worship Leaders Need To Do BEFORE Going On Vacation

5 Things Worship Leaders Need To Do BEFORE Going On Vacation

Don't forget to do these 5 things BEFORE you go on vacation:

1 | Schedule someone to fill in for you

Don't put this off! Communicate far in advance with the person who is filling in for you.

Set them up for success the best you possibly can. That means giving them AT LEAST a month to prepare - especially if you serve in a smaller church where people are not used to leading worship without you.

Work with your team so they're prepared when you are away.

2 | Prepare for the week you'll be away

Get everything prepared logistically BEFORE you go away.

Pick out songs, create slides, schedule volunteers... anything you need to get done. Get it done now!

In fact, aim to have it done a week BEFORE you go away - that way you have time to do the next 3 things on the list...

3 | Prepare for the week you get back

Most people prepare for the week they'll be away on vacation... BUT also think about the week you get back.

What if you were able to come back from vacation and you didn't have to "catch up" because everything was already done?

Don't just prepare for the week you'll be gone - pick out songs, create slides, schedule volunteers, etc. for the week you get back as well!

4 | Tell people you're going on vacation and will be unavailable

Your vacation/week off does not need to be a secret.

You do not need to feel guilty for taking a week off.

Repeat: You DO NOT need to feel guilty for taking a week off!

Let people know that you will be away and that you will be unavailable.

Plus, I know how it is: You're sitting on the beach somewhere and you get a text from some person in your church asking you a "church question" and then you get mad because "don't they know you're on vacation?"... But, they don't know because you haven't told anyone.

So, tell people in advance that you'll be away and unavailable and then commit to being AWAY and UNAVAILABLE no matter how many texts you get.

5 | Rest

That's right, rest BEFORE you go away - at least for a day. That way when you get to your vacation spot you don't have to make the mental transition from WORK to REST because you've already made it.

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