prioritizing rest in ministry

Worship Leader's Day Off | 5 Tips For A Successful Day Off (Video)

There are so many worship leading responsibilities it can be difficult to take a day off.

But, taking a day off is one of the BEST ways you can make sure you have a sustainable worship ministry…

3 Ways Worship Leaders Can Make The Most Of The Summer Ministry Season

Summer will officially be here at the end of this week! (At least in the US... sorry Aussies - enjoy your winter!)

For many church leaders that means things slow down a bit as regular church get togethers pause and people go on vacation…

3 Rhythms of Rest To Continue As Your Church Starts Meeting In Person Again

I'm sorry to tell you but if things haven't already gotten crazy busy at your church, they're about to.

As churches resume in person gatherings, you're going to feel a pull on your time and energy more than you've felt these past couple of months.

That's why it's so important to protect your REST as you return to in person church!…

3 Things Worship Leaders Can Do To Prepare For The New Year

New years are always filled with excitement. The unknown lurks around that switch from your "2019 Cat Calendar" to your "2020 Special Edition Baby Yoda Calendar" that your kids got you for Christmas.

And perhaps that excitement and unknown is present in your worship ministry as well. What will the new year bring?…

3 Reasons To Not Neglect Rest This Christmas Season

I know how it is. It's the Christmas season and your worship leading life is crazy right now.

There are a hundred and one things that you could be doing to prepare for this Sunday and a million more you could be doing to get ready for your Christmas services. Your to-do list is LONG this time of year!…

3 Steps To Take An Entire Week Off

Ahh.... the elusive day off. That in and of itself can be hard to commit to. But what if I told you, if you follow 3 simple steps, you can take an entire week off? It's really that simple.

We all know time off for rest is important but rarely do we feel comfortable taking it. What will my church think? How will my weekly responsibilities get done?…

3 Keys To Help You Prioritize Rest In Ministry

Do you prioritize rest in ministry? Or are you constantly working with no end in sight? Burnout is a very real danger in ministry especially in the 21st century where we are more accessible than ever before. At any moment, you could get a call or text or email from someone needing you to do something. This increased connectivity has pushed ministry boundaries to their limit encroaching on a biblical command - rest. It is now more important than ever to prioritize rest…