3 Keys To Help You Prioritize Rest In Ministry

3 Keys To Help You Prioritize Rest In Ministry

Do you prioritize rest in ministry? Or are you constantly working with no end in sight? Burnout is a very real danger in ministry especially in the 21st century where we are more accessible than ever before. At any moment, you could get a call or text or email from someone needing you to do something. This increased connectivity has pushed ministry boundaries to their limit encroaching on a biblical command - rest. It is now more important than ever to prioritize rest.

Here are 3 understandings that will help you prioritize rest in ministry:

1 | No one is going to ask you to rest

People only ask you to do things. They will rarely ask you to not do anything. If you want to take a day to rest, you are the only one who is going to set that precedent for yourself. Don't wait for someone to ask you to rest, make a commitment to yourself to make it a priority.

You don't have to feel guilty about it either. Take a day off and enjoy it. Put your phone away. Don't check your email. Turn your mind off from ministry and allow yourself to be rejuvenated. It is a biblical command after all...

2 | Rest is the key to sustainable ministry

If you want to make ministry your life's work, rest has to be a part of your regular routine. You will simply not make it in ministry if rest isn't a priority. You might last 5 years. It might be 10 years. It might be 20 years. But, at some point, not prioritizing rest is going to cause you to burnout.

Ministry is a marathon not a sprint. So pace yourself. Slow and steady wins the race. Is the pace you're currently going at sustainable for the next 30 years?

3 | If you want to truly rest, you have to be willing to replace yourself

Not prioritizing rest is often a pride issue - "If I don't do it no one will." Kill your pride and replace yourself. Train someone up to fulfill your responsibilities so that at some point you can step away and not have to worry about anything. Your ultimate goal in ministry leadership should be to build a team that will outlast you. 

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