
3 Steps To Take An Entire Week Off

Ahh.... the elusive day off. That in and of itself can be hard to commit to. But what if I told you, if you follow 3 simple steps, you can take an entire week off? It's really that simple.

We all know time off for rest is important but rarely do we feel comfortable taking it. What will my church think? How will my weekly responsibilities get done?…

3 Keys To Help You Prioritize Rest In Ministry

Do you prioritize rest in ministry? Or are you constantly working with no end in sight? Burnout is a very real danger in ministry especially in the 21st century where we are more accessible than ever before. At any moment, you could get a call or text or email from someone needing you to do something. This increased connectivity has pushed ministry boundaries to their limit encroaching on a biblical command - rest. It is now more important than ever to prioritize rest…

3 Ways To Make Leading Worship More Than A Routine

Have you ever felt the routine of leading worship? You show up for worship rehearsal, come back early on Sunday, pick songs for the next week, and repeat the process all over again. Sunday's here but Sunday's coming. It can seem like a never ending cycle. So how do you break the routine?…