easter service planning

Watch This Before Easter! | 5 Reminders About Easter For Worship Leaders (Video)

Easter's almost here!

There's so much to do to get ready... things are crazy... your schedule is filled to overflowing.

But, in the middle of it all, there are 5 things that you CAN'T FORGET to do before Easter Sunday comes…

3 Quick Tips For Worship Leaders This Easter

There are just a couple of more weeks until Easter and I'm sure you're deep into getting everything ready.

So, here are 3 quick tips for worship leaders this Easter…

3 Reasons To Start Preparing Early For Your Easter Worship Service (Video)

I know... I know... it's not quite Easter yet. But, it'll be here before you know it!

And, if you haven't started preparing yet. Now is the time to pick out songs, fill your team in on your Easter plans, and plan anything else you need to get done before Easter comes!…

Worship Leaders: What To Do Now That Easter Is Over

You did it! You made it through Easter. And the question is: now what?

In your worship leading journey, there are seasons that you go through. Some are busy... some not as busy. And it's usually this time right after Easter, as schools are starting to let out and you start to transition into summer that there aren't quite as many things to prepare for. So, what should you be doing?…

5 Things To Do Before You Lead Worship On Easter

Just a few more days and Easter Sunday will be here! Woo!!

That might be exciting for you or a little nerve-racking because you still have a lot to do. To make sure you're completely prepared to lead worship on Sunday, there are a few things you should do…

How To Take A Day Off The Week Before Easter

Let's face it: next week is going to be crazy! You've got extra services. You've got special elements in those services. There's a lot going on. How could you ever take a day off leading up to Easter? There's too much to do!

But the thing is... you can. Really - you just have to do these 3 things…

3 Reasons You Should Start Preparing For Easter Now

We're about a month out from Easter. On the one hand, that seems like a lot of time to prepare and it is. But that fact makes it easy to want to put off preparation until the last moment…

3 Ideas To Consider When Planning Your Easter Service

It's time to start planning for Easter if you haven't already! We're only 6 weeks away. I'm sure your next few weeks will be full of picking songs, planning creative elements, and getting everything ready. It can be easy to simply look at what you did last year, make a few minor changes, and call it good. Here are a few things to think about incorporating into your service this year…