worship gear

3 Questions To Ask Before Buying Another Piece Of Gear

Hey! I know how it is: you just saw a new gear video on YouTube or you learned about some new piece of gear another church got and you think to yourself, "I NEED that."

It happens to me all the time and, honestly, I don't even like gear.

It seems like, if we could just spend a little money, our problems would be solved…

4 Ways To Embrace Minimalism In Your Worship Leading

Most people think that minimalism means getting rid of virtually everything you have: trimming your wardrobe down to one outfit, throwing out your TV, and moving into a tiny house…

Worship Ministry On A Budget | 3 Reasons Having A Limited Budget Is Helpful (Video)

I wanted to elaborate a bit more on my philosophy behind gear. So, over on the Leading Worship Well YouTube channel, I just released a video called "Worship Ministry On A Limited budget | 3 Reasons Having A Limited Budget Is Helpful."…

Small Church Sound System And Lighting Tour (Video)

Ever feel discouraged when you type in "church sound system" or "church lighting system" on YouTube? You want to see what other people recommend but it seems like everyone's idea of "budget friendly" is not so budget friendly to YOUR church…

3 Ways To Embrace Simplicity In Your Worship Ministry

How complicated is your worship ministry? The single greatest thing you can do is embrace simplicity! Filling your ministry with complicated things makes you feel productive but it's actually laziness in disguise. Instead of focusing on one or two big things - you focus on a million little things that don't really push the needle forward…