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3 Ways To Embrace Simplicity In Your Worship Ministry

On Monday, we talked about WHY you should embrace simplicity in your worship ministry.

Simplicity makes things faster.

In the long run, simplicity is cheaper.

And simplicity leads to clarity.

What if what you did in your worship ministry could be done faster, for less money, and result in a clearer message?

That's the power of embracing SIMPLICITY!

Let's talk about some practical examples of how that plays out in your worship ministry.

Here are 3 ways to embrace simplicity in your worship ministry:

1 | Gear

You've seen it (and probably done it) before: you could have bought the right piece of gear. The right soundboard. The right software. The right guitar pedal. But, instead you decided to go with the "cheaper" option and patch together a solution that involved a bunch of different parts.

And it worked for a little while... but, after a year or two it fell apart.

Before you buy a piece of gear for your worship ministry, ask yourself: Is this the simplest way to do this?

2 | Worship speaking transitions

Sometimes we make our speaking transitions too complicated.

Remember: simplicity leads to clarity. And simplicity is good leadership because it means you've taken the time to refine an idea.

That's especially important when it comes to speaking to your church.

Have you actually thought through what you want to say? Or do you just have a general idea in your head?

Before you speak while leading worship, take some time to simplify your message. Decide what you actually want to say and say it in the simplest way possible.

3 | Worship team recruitment

People ask all the time: How do I grow my worship team?

And it seems like there must be some secret - maybe if we put the right announcement slide up on Sunday... or if we post the right thing on Facebook... or if we have the right worship team gathering... THEN people will join our team.

But the secret is: there is no secret.

The best way to find people for your worship team is to build relationships with people in your church, find out if they have musical ability, and then ask them if they want to join the team.

It's not easy but it is simple.

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