get my church to engage in worship

Congregational Engagement | 3 Easy Ways To Lose Your Congregation In Worship (Video)

It's the second song of your worship set. You've built the bridge up to the climax of the song. As you head into the final chorus, you look out into the congregation and all you see is...

5 Reasons Your Church Doesn't Engage In Worship (Video)

What's the one thing you want from your church when you lead them in worship? Engagement! You want them to participate in your worship gathering.

Maybe you put in a ton of work throughout the week preparing for worship only to head into the first song on Sunday and see a bunch of blank faces staring back at you…

How Church Culture Affects Congregational Engagement During Worship

"Church culture" - it's sort of a buzz word on the internet these days.

It's that invisible, intangible thing that subconsciously directs the decisions you make and, ultimately, how people respond to things in your church…

3 Reasons Your Church Doesn't Engage During Worship

Helping your church engage in worship can be one of the most frustrating/rewarding things for worship leaders. If you are pouring your heart and soul into your preparation and doing everything you can to help people engage in worship and they just stand there and stare, it's frustrating. But, on the other hand, when they finally latch onto where you're leading them, it's the most amazing experience you can have while leading worship…