Worship Team Leadership

3 Ways To Replace Yourself As A Worship Leader

Good leaders always have a replacement plan. This is both a long-term and a short-term mindset.

Long-term: who is going to replace you when you aren't around to lead worship any more?

Short-term: who is going to replace you when you decide to take a much needed week off?

The problem is replacing yourself takes time and most leaders don't think far enough out to make it happen. Finding a replacement isn't just going to happen one day - start the process now!…

How To Know When It's Time To Move On To Another Church

There was so much practical advice loaded into this 45 minute session and the best part is - we answered your questions! These are struggles you've been dealing with in your specific ministry and there is truly something in here for everyone…

3 Ways To Communicate With Your Worship Team Members When You Don't Know How To Play Their Instrument

One of the responsibilities of a worship team leader is communicating musical parts to your team. When you're arranging a song, you have to let your team members know what you want them to play and when you want them to play it. That can be difficult when you don't know how to play their instrument…

4 Ways To Train Your Sound Tech When You Are Always The One They're Mixing

You should be treating your sound techs like they are a part of the worship team. Part of that means helping new sound techs grow in their craft and training them up.

The only question is: how is a worship leader in a small church supposed to help the sound tech when they're always the one on stage playing?…

3 Ways To Get Your Worship Team To Give Up Their Music Stands

There's no doubt memorizing your music for leading worship takes a lot of work. But in the end, it's completely worth the effort. Maybe as a worship team leader you recognize the benefits but how do you get your team to actually do it?…

4 Things To Include In Your Pre-Service Prayer

Most worship teams pray before their service starts. Maybe you are the one praying. What should you be praying for? It can differ from week to week and you don't always need to pray the same thing. Maybe you know a specific story of someone in your church and you want to pray over that. Whatever it is, don't box yourself into the 4 ideas you're about to read but these are a good place to start…

3 Ways To Make Leading Worship More Than A Routine

Have you ever felt the routine of leading worship? You show up for worship rehearsal, come back early on Sunday, pick songs for the next week, and repeat the process all over again. Sunday's here but Sunday's coming. It can seem like a never ending cycle. So how do you break the routine?…

The Top 3 Instrument Combos For Small Worship Teams

This question has been coming in frequently over the past few months: "I've only got two musicians available to play on Sunday this week. They're able to play multiple instruments (acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, drums, kazoo, etc.) but I'm not sure which one to tell them to play. Which instruments would you choose to use if you only had two musicians?"…

3 Ways to Build A Self-Sufficient Worship Team

What would happen to your worship team if you suddenly disappeared? Would they know what they need to do to keep serving well in your church? Or would they be completely lost?

Part of leading your team well means setting them up so that they can serve without you. It means making them self-sufficient. Make it your goal to be able to take a Sunday off and be confident that everything will run just as it usually does at your church…

3 Ways to Build A Worship Team That Serves Alongside You

There's a danger that presents itself when you are put in charge of a team: it can be easy to start to think that the people on your team are there to serve you. You're the one with the plan and if they would just play their role - you would be able to accomplish what you want to accomplish.

The problem is that's not how good leaders lead. Leaders who lead thriving teams know that they shouldn't be building a team that serves them - they should be building a team that serves alongside them!…

3 Questions To Ask Before You Record A Worship Album

Recording a worship album is more accessible now than ever! You can get started for under $300. And the beautiful thing is that churches of all sizes can now afford to record their music.

The question is no longer: Can you record an album? The question now is: Should you record an album? And simply answered: yes! But, before you do that, you need to answer a few questions…

3 Benefits Of Listening To Recordings With Your Worship Team

One of the most beneficial things a worship team can do to improve their musicality is listen to recordings of themselves.

Take 15 minutes during a rehearsal one night and record a song (you can take a line out from your sound board or just use someone's phone). Then, immediately sit down with your team and listen to the recording…

Training New Worship Leaders - Breaking the Cycle of "I'm Not Ready Yet!"

Think about the first time you led worship. Did you feel ready? Did you feel like "Yeah! I got this!"? Probably not. Most people feel like they aren't ready to lead worship the first time they do it.

That's not the problem. The problem is that most new leaders get stuck in the perpetual cycle of never feeling ready enough to lead. They keep making the excuse that they "just aren't ready yet" over and over again and they never take that step of leading for the first time…

10 Tips For Leading Worship in a Small Church - Live Training with Jake from Churchfront

It seems like most resources that are available online for worship leaders are from large church leaders for people leading in a large church context. This leaves you, the small church worship leader, having to translate the information and adapt it to your own context.

Enter: Churchfront and Leading Worship Well…

5 Reasons to Consider Inviting Worshipers to Worship Rehearsal

What if you invited people who weren't on your worship team to worship rehearsal simply for the sole purpose of worshiping?

Rehearsal allows musicians a chance to run through the songs and nail down their musical parts for Sunday morning. What if you could take rehearsals beyond simply running through music?…

How Big of a Commitment Should You Ask From Your Worship Team?

It's hard to find the balance of how much you should ask your worship team to commit to. Often teams, worship leaders end up asking their team to only make a small commitment. There are several underlying ideas that you're reinforcing when you ask your team to make a small commitment…