3 Common Excuses In Worship Ministry (And How To Overcome Them)

It's easier to make excuses than it is to find a solution to a problem. Are you an excuse maker or a problem solver? When it comes to worship ministry, it often feels like our hands are tied and we can only do certain things. But the truth is, great leaders find solutions to their problems. They might recognize the excuses but they quickly move past them…

3 Tips For Handling Criticism For Worship Leaders

Unfortunately, when it comes to worship ministry, criticism is just part of the territory. Everyone has different ideas about what should be done and, therefore, you can't please everyone. So, you might do something that some people really like and others don't. That's just how it is operating in a church with imperfect people (by the way, you're imperfect too!)

Introducing New Worship Songs | 5 Simple Ways To Prepare Your Church For A New Worship Song (Video)

You know those times when you lead a new song for the first time on a Sunday? You know it. Your band knows it. But your church doesn't. And it can be a little awkward. They just stand there and stare at you because they simply don't know the song yet. What if there was a way to overcome that problem?…

3 Ways Worship Leaders Can Use Social Media For Good

About 70% of people in America are on social media. (And I assume that statistics are similar in other countries as well) Like it or not, social media has massive implications on our every day lives. It is, in and of itself, neither helpful or hurtful. It can be used both ways. It's simply a tool that we can utilize. So, how can we as worship leaders use it for good?…

3 Smarter Ways To Play A Church Service

You've heard it said before - "work smarter not harder." It can be hard to plan a worship service. There are a lot of decisions to make and a ton of different variables that come into play. Maybe you find yourself just putting it off until the last minute and then on Saturday night you pick a couple songs out…

How Often To Introduce New Worship Songs | 3 Things To Consider When Introducing New Worship Songs (Video)

Ever wonder how often you should be introducing new worship songs to your church? There are so many to choose from and hundreds more being written every day. With endless options, it seems like you could introduce a new song every week. And you could... but you shouldn't. So how often should you introduce new songs?…

5 Characteristics Of An Effective Worship Leader

Do you know that "how to be an effective worship leader" is one of the most searched for topics around worship leading? Isn't that encouraging to know that worship leaders all around the world simply want to get better?

There are so many facets to leading worship it's hard to come up with a definitive guide to say "if you do these things, you will be effective in your worship leading." However, there are several qualities that effective worship leaders exhibit…

5 Signs You Need A Week Off From Leading Worship

Ever feel tired from leading worship but you think to yourself, "Eh... I don't need a week off. I'm just not feeling it this week." But too often, that thought happens week after week after week. And suddenly, you haven't taken a week off for 2 years because "this is just a season right?" So, how do you know when you need a week off?…

3 Mistakes Worship Leaders Frequently Make

Sometimes worship leaders make mistakes. There. I said it. And sometimes, they don't just make mistakes, they make them over and over again. And the worst part is that, often times, you don't even know that you're making them…