listen to recordings

3 Ways To Address Someone's Musicianship On Your Worship Team

Ever have someone on your worship team who just isn't quite there musically?

It's hard to address those problems because pointing them out can feel like a personal attack. But, ultimately, you know that they can do better and you want to help them improve…

5 Intermediate Tips For Worship Leaders (Video)

In the video, I share 5 of my top tips for worship leaders! These tips go beyond the simple (albeit fundamental and necessary) recommendations of preparing and praying before you lead worship…

3 Questions To Ask When Listening To A Recording Of Yourself Leading Worship

Listening to a recording of yourself leading worship is one of the best ways to improve your leading. It's hard to critique yourself in the moment but listening to a recording afterwards gives you a chance to objectively critique how you led…

3 Ways To Actually Improve Your Worship Leading

Do you feel like you keep doing the same things over and over again in your worship leading and making very little improvement? We've all been there. We all go through stages of stagnation. So, how can you break out of that funk and actually improve?…

3 Ways To Improve Your Worship Team's Musicianship

Do you ever feel like you're stuck with where your worship team is at musically? They know how to play together - they're locked in - and they're all doing what they need to be doing. You know that improvement is a constant pursuit but you're not sure what to do next…

3 Small Things You Can Do In Your Worship Ministry That Have A Huge Impact Over Time

Often times, the biggest things in worship ministry get the most attention. It's easy to think that if you just bought that next piece of gear, learned that new skill, or added that extra person to your team - THAT'S what it would take to improve.

The truth is it's actually the small things that make the biggest impact. The key is that you have to do these small things consistently over a long period of time…

3 Benefits Of Listening To Recordings With Your Worship Team

One of the most beneficial things a worship team can do to improve their musicality is listen to recordings of themselves.

Take 15 minutes during a rehearsal one night and record a song (you can take a line out from your sound board or just use someone's phone). Then, immediately sit down with your team and listen to the recording…