
3 Rhythms of Rest To Continue As Your Church Starts Meeting In Person Again

I'm sorry to tell you but if things haven't already gotten crazy busy at your church, they're about to.

As churches resume in person gatherings, you're going to feel a pull on your time and energy more than you've felt these past couple of months.

That's why it's so important to protect your REST as you return to in person church!…

3 Ways To Worship Without Singing

As churches move toward meeting in person again, some are considering not singing during their services.

And honestly, I see both sides of the argument - so I won't weigh in on what I think is the correct choice (because I'm not sure I know the right answer)…

3 Worship Leading Skills To NOT Leave Behind When The Lockdown Lifts (Video)

Over these past couple months you've learned A LOT about how to lead worship.

Maybe you didn't even realize that this season of leading online has prepared you to lead better as lockdowns lift and your church returns to in person gatherings.

It's so important to NOT leave behind some of the skills you've learned in this season…

Worship Leader, Show Grace During The Return To In Person Worship

There is much frustration to be felt during this period of returning to in person worship.

Listen, this is a difficult time.

But, in the midst of frustration and uncertainty and discerning, don't forget that you are first called to love the people of your church…

3 Ways To Reacclimate Your Worship Team To Leading Worship

Worship leader: as lockdowns lift, I know you have a million things you're trying to figure out.

In the midst of all of your "I don't knows" and logistics, don't forget that you still have a responsibility to lead your worship TEAM…

The Return To IN PERSON Worship | 5 Things Worship Leaders NEED to Consider (Video)

Churches are so close to meeting in person again! In fact, as coronavirus lockdowns lift, some churches have already started to resume in person Sunday services again…

3 Ways To Engage Kids During Corporate Worship

For the time being, most churches have decided to limit direct interactions between members who aren't family. One of the ways they're doing that is by not having a separate environment for children during their Sunday services.

That means that YOU have the responsibility of leading kids AND adults in worship now!…

5 Ways To Lead Online And In Person Worship At The Same Time (Video)

As lockdowns lift and churches start to meet in person again, worship leaders are faced with a new challenge.

The truth is some people in your church won't feel comfortable returning to in person gatherings on Sunday mornings and will continue to worship online…

3 Worship Leading Skills To NOT Leave Behind When The Lockdown Lifts

Think about how much you've learned over the past few months of being in lockdown... a lot!

I truly believe that God has used this time to raise up and develop the skills of worship leaders…

How To Keep Your Worship Team Engaged During Social Distancing (Video)

It's been difficult keeping our worship teams engaged during this season of ministry, hasn't it?

For the time being, it seems like it would be easier if we just did everything ourselves. 

But the truth is YOU still have a responsibility to lead your worship team even if you don't regularly see them!…

How To Lead Worship On Camera Online | 5 Tips To Feel More Comfortable On Camera (Video)

Anyone feel awkward as soon as the camera turns on?

For some reason, once that blinking light comes on and we realize we're being recorded - the anxiety sets in. 

Now that church services have been moved online, worship leaders have to deal with camera anxiety every single Sunday…