how to find new worship team members

How To Build A Worship Team | The Final Step In The Process! (Video)

There's one final step to building a worship team that you CAN'T miss!

It's assimilating new members into the culture of your team.

That's how you get them to stick around for a long time…

How To Run Worship Team Auditions (with FREE form, questions, and process) (Video)

You need a system for people to go through when they show interest in joining your worship team.

Part of that system includes a worship team AUDITION.

It's not as scary as it sounds...

The Best Way To Recruit Worship Team Volunteers | 5 Ways To Find New Worship Team Members (Video)

Is it a struggle to recruit new worship team volunteers? You're not alone.

It'd be great to have a drummer, a keyboard player, and maybe another guitarist. (... and 2 more singers... and...)

But where do you find new worship team volunteers?…

How To Build A Worship Team | Where To Start! (Video)

Trying to find more volunteers to serve on your worship team?

It's easy to feel like your pool of volunteers is never big enough and you don't know how to grow your team…

3 Simple Ways To Find More Worship Team Members

Every worship leader wishes they had more people on their team. But, in our attempt to find more members for our worship team, we over-complicate the process.

But I want to assure you, the method to finding more worship team members is simple. It's not necessarily easy... but it's simple…

5 Ways To Train Up Young Worship Leaders (Video)

Last Friday, we learned WHY you should be training up young worship leaders in your church. Maybe you're convinced and you know you should be training up young leaders in your church. But, you have no idea how to do it…

5 Reasons You Should Train Up Young Worship Leaders (Video)

Do you currently have a system for training up young worship leaders at your church? Training up young worship leaders is one of the most important things you can do as part of your responsibility of leading worship at your church…

3 Ways To Find High-Quality Worship Team Members (Video)

It seems like, if you could just find more people to join your worship team, it would solve your problems. Your team would sound fuller. You wouldn't have to worry about if you were going to have a full team on Sunday. And... maybe you could actually take a week off…

3 Ways To Create A Worship Team People Actually Want To Join

How's your worship team? Is it a team people actually want to join? Or every time you ask, do people seem to come up with an excuse why they can't be a part of it?

Most worship leaders are in pursuit of more worship team members. They'd love to grow their team. And one of the best ways to make that happen is to have a team that people actually want to join! How do you do it?…

3 Ways To Find High-Quality Worship Team Members

Never have enough worship team members? Maybe you only have a few people on your team and the same people are leading every Sunday. Maybe you're leading worship by yourself! Most worship leaders wish they had MORE members on their worship team…

5 Ways To Find Musicians For Your Worship Team

Most worship leaders wish they had more volunteers on their worship team. Maybe you want to add someone who can play an instrument that you don't currently have on your team. Maybe, if you just had a few more people, some of your current members could take a week off every once in a while. 

The thing is... it's hard to find new members for your worship team. So, how can you do it?…

A 5 Step System For People To Join Your Worship Team

It's important to have a system that people can follow to join your worship team. First, if you don't have a system, then it's not clear what steps someone needs to take to join your team. When someone asks to join your team and you give them a vague answer on how to do it, they leave uncertain about what to do next and the process stops there.

It's also important to have a system for people to follow because it shows that being on the worship team is an important responsibility. If you don't currently have a system for people to join your worship team, consider implementing the one below…

5 C's You Should Be Looking For In Future Worship Team Members

There's a lot of anxiety around adding someone to your worship team because there's always change involved. While it can be stressful adding people to your team, there are some things that you can look for in potential worship team members to help the process go smoothly…

3 Worship Ministry Areas To Re-Evaluate In 2019

As 2019 begins, it's a great time to take a step back and reevaluate what's working and what isn't working in your worship ministry. Maybe the way you did things in 2018 worked for a season but now it's time to take the next step. Or maybe what you tried to incorporate last year simply didn't work at all. That's okay - you learn from failure. The failure isn't the important part it's what you do with it. So pick yourself up and ask the question: how can I make this better?…