3 Keys To Leading Worship With Confidence

What do you do when you aren't confident in your leading? You rush through the songs and just try to get them over with. You don't take time to speak because you're afraid of how it's going to come across. And at the end of it all, you feel like things could have gone better if you would have just been a bit more trusting…

3 Steps To Read The Room While Leading Worship

Reading the room is an essential part of leading worship well. If you want to truly lead people, in all areas of life - not just worship leading, you need to know where they are at and lead accordingly. However, far too often in our worship leading, we say "Follow me!", run towards the destination, but never take a look back to see if the people we're leading are still behind us…

3 Quick Wins For Worship Leaders

As worship leaders, we all have things that we're aiming for. Things that haven't quite happened yet. "Wins" that we have yet to achieve. And those goals are great to set and work towards. But, there are often two warnings that come along with those goals…

3 Truths About Personal Development For Worship Leaders

How often do you intentionally sit down to work "on" your worship leading instead of just "in" your worship leading? The unfortunate truth is that it's easy to get caught in the cycle of always DOING and never IMPROVING…

3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Quit Leading Worship

Ever feel like giving up? Ever get frustrated with some aspect of leading worship? Maybe your church doesn't respond the way you hope they would. Maybe your team is inconsistent. Maybe you've dealt with too much criticism and you're tried of it…

3 Reasons You Need To Run Through Your Worship Set List (Video)

When you first start leading worship, you typically put in tons of work in advance preparing to lead. You've got songs to learn (which takes forever especially when you're new to an instrument). You're nervous about being in front of people so you prepare even more. And so on... and so forth... until you finally feel at least a little bit ready to lead on Sunday…

3 Ways To Create A Worship Team People Actually Want To Join

How's your worship team? Is it a team people actually want to join? Or every time you ask, do people seem to come up with an excuse why they can't be a part of it?

Most worship leaders are in pursuit of more worship team members. They'd love to grow their team. And one of the best ways to make that happen is to have a team that people actually want to join! How do you do it?…

5 Things That Aren't Worship

The word "worship" is often thrown out in generality these days. And in the void of substance, preconceived notions about what worship is slowly encroach on the true definition. These assumptions subtly skew our vision of what worship truly is. That's why it's important to understand what worship is not. Especially if we are worship leaders - we should know what worship is and isn't!…

3 Ways To Find High-Quality Worship Team Members

Never have enough worship team members? Maybe you only have a few people on your team and the same people are leading every Sunday. Maybe you're leading worship by yourself! Most worship leaders wish they had MORE members on their worship team…

How To Evaluate The Effectiveness Of A Worship Song (Video)

So, you've finally introduced a new song to your church. You went through the entire process: you determined it was a great congregational worship song. You introduced it to your church even before they showed up to church on Sunday morning (by utilizing social media and gatherings outside of Sunday morning). You felt confident in what you said before you led it for the first time. The song is officially introduced to your church... now what? Is that the end of the process? Well, there's one more step that you don't want to forget: reviewing the effectiveness of the song you've introduced! How do you do that?…

3 Kinds Of People You Need On Your Worship Team

What kind of people do you have on your worship team? Do you only have the best of the best?

Ideally, you would have a team full of people who are ready to lead worship, right? But the truth is, if you only ever stack your team with those kinds of people, your ministry won't last for long. They'll be able to serve for a while but, eventually, they won't be around any more and you'll have no one left to lead…

3 Things Worship Leaders Need To Commit To

What are you committed to?

Commitments are things you do even when you don't feel like doing them. They are decisions you make in advance that guide you when you don't know what to do. When you make commitments in moments of clarity, it let's you know what to do in moments of unclarity…

5 Startling Reasons People Leave Your Worship Team

Ever have someone leave your worship team? It hurts doesn't it? It feels like an attack on your leadership. It feels like you've failed. And while you can't make people stay, it is helpful to understand why someone might leave…

What To Say Before Introducing A New Worship Song (Video)

Ever wonder what to say when introducing a new song? How should you do it? Should you even say anything? Or should you just sort of sneak it into your repertoire and hope your church doesn't notice. (Maybe they'll be tricked into actually singing along with it - fingers crossed!)…